Our Classroom Website

Welcome to Room 2-2

Second Grade 

Mrs. Kiriloff

Weekly Homework and Reminders

Second Grade End of Year Assessment Schedule

Performance Assessments:  These are Applied learning skills tests that cannot be studied for. Students will take a Math and Religion performance assessment that will be completed as a group and we will work on step by step together. These tests will be completed the week of May 22 and are not counted in the final grades.


Note: Change in dates of End of Year tests

Religion-  Monday- June 6,2016

Math-    Wednesday- June 8, 2016

English Language Arts:    Tuesday - June 7, 2016

All study guides have come home today in H folders and they outline any skill that will be on the above tests.

Week of June 6, 2016


1. Please study for ELA test tomorrow and Math on Wed.

2. H copybooks have come home to stay we will no longer need them.

3. Test folders have come home please sign and return tomorrow.


1. Volume 1 Reading workbooks came home today. They may stay home now.

2. Study for Math end of year test tomorrow.

3. No school on Friday 6/10.


1. Please review all journal entries and sign rubric in Test folder and send the test folder back tomorrow. Please keep the journal home now.



1. Study all study guides for Math, ELA and Religion.



4. All children are in need of supplies especially glue sticks. It is very hard to complete work without our supplies , please restock. Thank you.